Asshole alert…
May 3, 2010 Random Crap

I’ve not slept since 3am Sunday morning. I tossed & turned all night. I got in bed about 7, phone rang about 9. I never went to sleep. I think I counted to 2,510 before I said f’ it and flipped over. I tried sleeping on my side, back, stomach and almost upside down. I took some heavy sleep med about 9pm as a last ditch effort and failed. Today is a prime example why I should have an ambien in a little glass bottle to break for an emergency*. I will go home after work and try to sleep again but I can only nap because I have to be back at work for 5/6 and possibly the 10. Then back to work again for Tuesday morning. I hate sweeps but love the OT.

* I don’t because I would break the bottle for small things unlike tonight/morning when I really needed it.

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